Bp Statistical Review of World Energy Coal Consumption 1965

For most of human history our ancestors relied on very basic forms of energy: man muscle, beast muscle and the burning of biomass such as wood or crops. But the Industrial Revolution unlocked a whole new energy resource: fossil fuels. Fossil energy has been a key driver of the technological, social, economic and development progress which has followed.

Fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) have, and go along to, play a dominant role in global energy systems.

Just they also come with several negative impacts. When burned they produce carbon dioxide (COii) and are the largest commuter of global climatic change. They are besides a major contributor to local air pollution, which is estimated to linked to millions of premature deaths each yr.

As depression-carbon sources of energy – nuclear and renewables – get readily available, the world needs to quickly transition away from fossil fuels.

This article presents the long-run and recent perspectives on coal, oil and gas – how much countries produce and eat; where our fossil fuel reserves are; and what role the fuels play in our energy and electricity systems.

All our charts on Fossil Fuels

Global fossil fuel consumption

The burning of fossil fuels for energy began around the onset of the Industrial Revolution. But fossil fuel consumption has changed significantly over the by few centuries – both in terms of what and how much nosotros burn.

In the interactive chart nosotros run into global fossil fuel consumption broken downwardly by coal, oil and gas since 1800. Earlier information, pre-1965, is sourced from Vaclav Smil'south piece of work on energy transitions; this has been combined with data published in BP's Statistical Review of World Energy from 1965 onwards.i

Fossil fuel consumption has increased significantly over the past half-century, around 8-fold since 1950, and roughly doubling since 1980.

But the types of fuel we rely on has also shifted, from solely coal towards a combination with oil, and and then gas. Today, coal consumption is falling in many parts of the earth. Only oil and gas are still growing quickly.

Fossil fuel consumption: which countries use the most energy from fossil fuels?

We've looked at how much fossil fuel energy is consumed globally. But what about countries? How much fossil free energy do they consume?

The interactive nautical chart hither shows the amount of primary energy from fossil fuels that is consumed each year.

This is the sum of energy from coal, oil and gas. In the sections below we look at each of these sources individually.

3 tips on how to interact with this map

  • By clicking on any country on the map you come across the alter over time in this land.
  • Past moving the time slider (below the map) you can see how the global situation has changed over time.
  • Yous can focus on a particular world region using the dropdown menu to the top-correct of the map.

Per capita: where practice people swallow the most energy from fossil fuels?

Looking at energy consumption at the land level is often a strong reflection of population size rather than actual fossil fuel consumption per person.

How do these comparisons look when nosotros adjust for population?

In the interactive nautical chart nosotros see the amount of free energy from fossil fuels consumed per person. This is the sum of primary free energy from coal, oil and gas combined.

Beyond the world we meet that the largest consumers use more than 10 times the corporeality of fossil energy than some of the smallest consumers.

Four tips on how yous can interact with this chart

  • Alter the bar nautical chart into a line nautical chart: by clicking on the timeline at the bottom of the chart you can alter the bar chart into a line nautical chart.
  • See the change over time: Using the 'play' push button on the timeline y'all can run into how this metric changes over time.
  • Add any other country: click on the Add state button to compare with any other state.
  • See the information on a earth map: click on the 'MAP' tab to meet the global overview beyond countries.

Fossil fuel consumption by type

In the sections to a higher place we looked at the consumption of fossil fuels collectively. But it's important to look at the office of coal, oil and gas individually – their impacts are non equal. Coal, for example, typically produces more CO2 and local air pollution per unit of energy [see our article on the relative safety and impacts of different energy sources].

In the interactive charts hither nosotros fossil fuel consumption disaggregated by blazon. This is shown as a stacked area chart – useful for seeing the relative contribution of each; but likewise every bit a line chart which allows u.s. to see how the consumption of each is changing over time.

How you can interact with the stacked area nautical chart

  • In these charts it is always possible to switch to whatever other state in the world by choosing Change Country in the bottom left corner.
  • By unticking the 'Relative' box, you can switch to see the breakdown of emissions in absolute terms.

How do fossil fuels fit in within the rest of the energy mix? What share of primary energy comes from fossil fuels?

In 2019, around 84% of global principal energy came from coal, oil and gas. Over the coming decades we demand to chop-chop reduce this share by displacing them with low-carbon energy sources.

In the interactive nautical chart nosotros see how this share varies beyond the world.

A few points to keep in listen when because this information:
  • These figures reflect energy consumption – that is the sum of all free energy uses including electricity, send and heating. Many people assume energy and electricity to mean the same, merely electricity is simply i component of total free energy consumption. We look at electricity consumption later in this profile.
  • These figures are based on primary energy consumption – given past the 'substitution method'. You can read our explainer on the different metrics used to measure energy here.

Two tips on how you can collaborate with this nautical chart

  • View the information for any country as a line nautical chart: click on any state to run across its alter over time, or past using the 'Chart' tab at the lesser.
  • Add whatsoever other country to the line nautical chart: click on the Add country push button to compare with whatever other country.

Electricity is one component of full energy consumption – the other two beingness transport and heating.

Globally, fossil fuels account for a much smaller share of electricity production than the energy system as a whole. In 2019, around 64% of our electricity came from fossil fuels.

This interactive map shows the share of electricity that comes from fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas summed together) beyond the world. Oil accounts for but a small share of electricity production – near come up from coal and gas. The share from coal and gas individually tin can exist found in the sections below.

Coal product: how much do countries produce?

Which countries produce the most coal? How has this changed over time?

In the interactive chart hither we see coal production by country. This has been converted into primary energy equivalents (i.e. terawatt-hours of energy) for comparability beyond our other information on free energy.

Note that this measures coal production, non consumption. Many countries consume energy from coal in their free energy supply. But not all countries take coal reserves to produce this themselves. This therefore measures coal production before trade between countries.

Energy from coal: how much do countries swallow?

Fossil fuel product is an important metric to follow – information technology helps us sympathize where fossil fuels are being extracted. Simply we also care about where that energy is being consumed – that tells us what role fossil fuels are playing in the energy system of each country.

This interactive chart shows primary energy consumption from coal beyond the world. This represents coal production adjusted for merchandise (and then, coal exports are subtracted and imports are added).

Coal has been a disquisitional energy sources, and mainstay in global energy product for centuries.

But it's likewise the most polluting energy source: both in terms of the amount of CO2 it produces per unit of free energy, but besides the amount of local air pollution it creates. Moving abroad from coal energy is important for climatic change equally well as human health.

This interactive map shows the share of primary energy that comes from coal across the world.

Coal is currently the largest source of electricity globally. For many countries remains the dominant source. Merely, we also see that others accept seen a massive shift abroad from coal in recent years – the Great britain is ane such example.

This interactive map shows the share of electricity that comes from coal across the earth.

When practise countries plan to phase out coal?

Coal is the globe's oldest industrial source of free energy. Information technology is even so a dominant source of energy across the earth today – especially within our electricity mix.

Merely coal is the globe'due south dirtiest fuel – information technology not only emits the most carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy, it has severe impacts on health through air pollution.

Many countries are therefore committing to phasing coal power out of their electricity mix. This map shows state pledges to reach this. Some countries are already coal-free. Some take set to stage it out by 2030; 2040 or later. Some have not even so committed to eliminating it.2

Oil production: how much exercise countries produce?

Which countries produce the well-nigh oil? How has this changed over time?

In the interactive chart here we see oil product past state. This has been converted into chief energy equivalents (i.e. terawatt-hours of energy) for comparability across our other data on energy.

Note that this measures oil production, not consumption. Many countries consume energy from oil in their energy supply. But not all countries accept oil reserves to produce this themselves. This therefore measures oil production before merchandise between countries.

Energy from oil: how much do countries consume?

Oil production is an of import indicator to follow – it helps us empathise where it'due south being extracted, who the main oil producers are, and how this related to oil reserves. Just we as well intendance about where that oil is beingness consumed – that tells the states what role it'due south playing in the free energy system of each country.

This interactive chart shows primary energy consumption from oil across the globe. This represents oil production adjusted for trade (so, oil exports are subtracted and imports are added).

Oil is the world's largest energy source today. It is the ascendant source of energy for the ship sector in particular.

This interactive map shows the share of primary energy that comes from oil across the globe.

Gas product: how much exercise countries produce?

Which countries produce the nearly gas? How has this inverse over time?

In the interactive nautical chart here we see gas production by land. This has been converted into primary energy equivalents (i.e. terawatt-hours of energy) for comparability across our other information on free energy.

Notation that this measures gas production, not consumption. Many countries consume energy from gas in their energy supply. But non all countries take gas reserves to produce this themselves. This therefore measures gas product before trade betwixt countries.

Energy from gas: how much do countries consume?

In the section higher up nosotros looked at where in the globe gas is produced. But, after merchandise, where in the earth is gas consumed?

This interactive nautical chart shows primary free energy consumption from gas across the world. This represents gas product adjusted for trade (so, gas exports are subtracted and imports are added).

Natural gas has, for decades, lagged backside coal and oil as an energy source. But today its consumption is growing apace – often every bit a replacement for coal in the energy mix. Gas is a major provider of electricity production, and a fundamental source of heat.

This interactive map shows the share of chief energy that comes from gas across the world.

Gas is now the second largest source of electricity production globally.

Its contribution is growing quickly in many countries as they substitute information technology for coal in the electricity mix. From a climate perspective, this transition is positive since gas typically emits less CO2 per unit of free energy. But, we still ultimately desire to shift away from gas towards depression-carbon sources such as renewables and nuclear.

Gas is now the second largest source of electricity production globally.

Its contribution is growing quickly in many countries as they substitute it for coal in the electricity mix. From a climate perspective, this transition is positive since gas typically emits less CO2 per unit of energy. Just, we still ultimately desire to shift away from gas towards low-carbon sources such as renewables and nuclear.

This interactive map shows the share of electricity that comes from gas across the earth.

This interactive map shows the share of electricity that comes from gas across the world.

Fossil fuel reserves

  • Coal reserves
  • Gas reserves

Coal reserves

In previous sections we looked at how much fossil fuels different countries produced or consumed. Merely where in the globe does our existing reserves of fossil fuels remain?

Which countries have the potential to excerpt and sell them?

In the interactive chart we meet proved coal reserves across the world.

It's of import to distinguish reserves versus resources here. "Proved reserves" represents coal that we know with reasonable certainty could exist recovered in the future under existing economical and technological operating weather. In other words, we know it'due south in that location and it would be technologically and economically feasibly to extract it.

Reserves represent only some fraction of resources, however; we continue to discover new quantities of coal, and with time more becomes technologically feasible to extract. This means our quantity of reserves changes all the time – not only based on how much we swallow, merely by how much new resource are 'unlocked'.

We look at the divergence between reserves and resource in more particular here.

Gas reserves

Where in the world practise we have gas reserves? Which countries have the ability to extract, consume and merchandise?

In the interactive chart we see proved gas reserves across the world.

It's important to distinguish reserves versus resources here. "Proved reserves" represents coal that we know with reasonable certainty could be recovered in the future under existing economic and technological operating atmospheric condition. In other words, we know information technology'south there and it would be technologically and economically feasibly to extract it.

Reserves represent only some fraction of resources, however; nosotros continue to discover new quantities of gas, and with fourth dimension more becomes technologically feasible to excerpt. This means our quantity of reserves changes all the time – not only based on how much we consume, but by how much new resources are 'unlocked'.

Nosotros expect at the difference between reserves and resources in more detail here.

CO2 emissions from fossil fuels

Iii-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions come from energy product. To stand a risk of meeting our climatic change targets, we must rapidly reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

Explore our related piece of work on CO2 emissions – where they come from and how they are changing over time.

Definitions & Measurement

Reserves vs. Resources: When does a resources get a reserve?

The terms 'reserves' and 'resources' are often used interchangeably. Withal, in that location is an of import distinction between the two. The nautical chart explains this distinction visually.

It is truthful that every reserve is a resource, but not every resource is a reserve. There are two requirements which determine whether a mineral resource becomes a reserve. The offset is the caste of certainty that it exists: the planet probable has many mineral resources which we accept not yet discovered. And so to be defined as a reserve, we must have either a proved, probable or possible understanding of its being. The 2nd criteria relates to the economic feasibility of being able to admission and excerpt the mineral resource. To be divers every bit a reserve, it must be economically and technologically viable to recover. If the economics are subeconomic (i.e. would result in a internet loss) or marginal, a mineral resource is not divers as a reserve.

Whilst the original source of this concept – the American geologist Vincent McKelvey – visualised it as a static box, this transition between resource and reserve classifications is dynamic. As we discover previously unknown resources, and develop improved extraction technologies for economical recovery, this reserves box tin can grow with time (or shrink as nosotros consume them).

Reserves vs. resources 01

Units of energy

To maintain consistency between metrics and sources, we accept attempted to normalise all energy data to units of watt-hours (Wh), or one of its SI prefixes. The table shows the conversion of watt-hours to the range of SI prefixes used.

SI Unit of measurement Watt-60 minutes (Wh) equivalent
Watt-hr (Wh)
Kilowatt-hr (kWh) Grand watt-hours (xthree Wh)
Megawatt-hour (MWh) 1 million watt-hours (106 Wh)
Gigawatt-hour (GWh) One billion watt-hours (10ix Wh)
Terawatt-hour (TWh) One trillion watt-hours (1012 Wh)

Data Sources

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

  • Information: BP publishes information on Oil, Gas Coal, Nuclear Energy, Hydroelectricity, Renewables, Primary Energy Consumption, Electricity Generation, Carbon Doixide Emissions
  • Geographical coverage: Global – past state and region
  • Fourth dimension span: Annual data since 1951
  • Available at: Online at world wide web.BP.com

The Shift Projection (TSP)

  • Information: Historical Energy Consumption Statistics and Historical Energy Production Statistics
  • Geographical coverage: Global – past country and earth region
  • Time span: Since 1900
  • Available at: Both datasets are online at world wide web.tsp-data-portal.org.

IEA – International Energy Bureau

  • Data: Data on electricity, oil, gas, coal and renewables. Data on CO2 emissions (also projections)
  • Geographical coverage: Global – by country
  • Time span: Concluding decades
  • Available at: Online at www.iea.org
  • The IEA is publishing the World Energy Outlook.
  • You have to pay to access the IEA databases. Simply some information is available through Gapminder, for example Residential Energy Utilise (%). (for few countries since 1960, for more countries since 1971 or 1981)

Energy Information Administration

  • Data: Full and crude oil production, oil consumption, natural gas production and consumption, coal production and consumption, electricity generation and consumption, primary energy, free energy intensity, CO2 emissions and imports and exports for all fuels
  • Geographical coverage: Global – by country
  • Time span: Annual information since 1980
  • Available at: Online at ww.eia.gov
  • Environmental impact assessment is a US authorities agency.

World Development Indicators – Earth Depository financial institution

  • Geographical coverage: Global – by country and earth region
  • Time bridge: Last decades
  • Data: Free energy use (kt of oil equivalent) – Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) – Energy production (kt of oil equivalent)
  • Many more than related indicators.


  • Data: Production & consumption of energy.
  • Geographical coverage: Europe
  • Time span:
  • Data on: Energy product and imports – Consumption of energy – Electricity production, consumption and markets.

Explore more of our work on Energy


Source: https://ourworldindata.org/fossil-fuels

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